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Last Updated on September 26, 2022 by Kel Ashley

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Starting a side hustle is a great way to supplement your income, pay off debt, and save for large purchases. However, determining the best side hustle for your skills and experience can be difficult.

There are so many side hustle ideas that it’s difficult to know where to begin. Let’s get started with these awesome side hustle ideas for making extra money online!


1. Start a Money-Making Blog

A blog is a great place to demonstrate your ability to write about something you care about. You may wonder how a blog can provide supplemental income; you monetize your blog through affiliate marketing. Affiliate links are simple to incorporate into your blog, and once they’re in place, you’ll have a steady stream of income!

• It is an inexpensive investment. In contrast to other businesses or aspects of starting a larger business, starting a blog requires little initial investment.
• The ability to be flexible is a major reason many bloggers enter this field. Creating a blog that generates passive income allows you to work any day and earn money.

• It takes time. It takes a significant amount of time to create (good) content. Gone are the days when a brief 300-word post was “enough” to publish online. Longer, more comprehensive content reigns supreme these days. It provides more satisfaction to the reader, but it is also more likely to rank for SEO purposes.
• It can be difficult if writing does not come naturally to you. Blogging is not always easy for many people. It can be difficult to communicate information in an engaging, consumer-friendly manner.

You can also use Medium as your platform for posting (or reposting) your articles. It’s a great way to build a portfolio of work, and you can earn a buck or two in the meantime, thanks to Medium’s Partner program.


2. Start a niche Instagram account

Instagram niche accounts are now the best way to approach the platform. You can quickly gain a loyal fan base by leveraging the power of an existing platform or popular series. Once you’ve amassed a sizable following, you can monetize your account in various ways, such as accepting payments to promote different stores or selling merchandise.

Pro: It’s a great platform to showcase your creativity and have fun.

Con: Monetization is not instant. You’ll need to build a solid following before you can start earning money.

Check out this article for tips on growing your niche Instagram account.


3. Teach English remotely

If you’re fluent in English (or any language), you’ve got something others want to learn. Because English is such a popular language, this is where the most opportunities exist. Many people are willing to learn remotely, and many companies are willing to act as middlemen.

• You don’t need a classroom full of toys or technology to teach as an online teacher. A stable WiFi connection, a smartphone or computer, and headphones with a microphone are required.
• Lesson planning is typically not the responsibility of teachers. Before each class, most companies will plan and provide you with lesson material and slides.
• Most platforms do not require teaching experience, favoring native English-speaking ability and a TEFL certificate.
• If you enjoy working with children, it’s a genuinely easy and enjoyable job!

• Working full-time can be challenging. It takes a lot of effort to market yourself to attract regular students and to hustle to refer other teachers and students.
• It takes time to find students. You don’t start with a full schedule of bookings.
• Time differences can make online teaching difficult. The majority of online education is geared toward students in Asia. The time difference can be an issue, particularly if you live in North America.

Teach Away, VIPKID, and QKids will all pay you up to $25 per hour for your time. These sites do not require any teaching experience, but most do require a Bachelor’s degree. Set yourself up with a tutor website once you’ve picked up a few regular clients and made a name for yourself, so you can start charging your rates and keeping your full fee.


4. Complete online surveys

Doing surveys online will not earn you much money, but it is very simple. It was almost mindless. It’s the ideal activity for cramming into spare moments – your commute, watching a rerun on TV, etc.

Pro: It’s simple. You will simply answer surveys based on your opinions, which can be completed in your spare time.

• Cannot rely on income from online survey sites. It’s ideal if you get some enjoyment out of trying to get good deals and earn extra money – but you don’t mind if you end up spending a few minutes filling out a survey only to be told you don’t qualify because you fall into the wrong demographic.
• You are unlikely to be paid quickly. Filling out a survey appears to be a simple task that will only take a few minutes. Don’t be duped. Surveys can take up to 15 or 20 minutes to complete.

Survey Junkie is a well-known survey company that will pay you within 24 hours of receiving your payment request, either via PayPal or a gift card.


5. Translate

If you’re fortunate enough to be fluent in more than one language, you’ll have even more options for picking a side hustle. While you won’t be able to get literary translations or large commercial projects unless you have a related degree, you can work with an agency (or go it alone) to get smaller projects.

• You will be able to work in various industries and meet a variety of people along the way.
• You can frequently work from home. If something is unclear, you can call your boss or clients anywhere as long as you have a good internet connection and proper phone reception.

• Translators don’t make a lot of money, so if you live in an expensive area with high living costs and want to afford some luxuries, you might be able to work a second job.
• As a translator, you will be replaceable. Indeed, many translators who only speak the most common languages will have no job security at all because anyone could do the job.

Sites like Fiverr are great for getting started quickly.


6. Start a YouTube Channel

If others can make money from YouTube, so can you. Your YouTube channel should focus on a single niche so you can build a strong, loyal audience. For example, you can create makeup tutorials, stream video games, review products, teach skills, create prank videos, or anything else you think there’d be an audience for.

Pro: Having a YouTube channel can help you not only share your ideas with the rest of the world, but it can also help you grow a serious business.

Con: Starting a YouTube channel can take a long time. You will need a lot of patience if you want to start a YouTube channel. It can take a long time to build your audience to the point where you can make a full-time living from your online business.

There are some prerequisites for monetizing a YouTube channel. You’ll need over 4,000 minutes of channel watch time in the last 12 months and over 1,000 subscribers, which will take some time. Use tools like ‘TubeBuddy‘ to help you identify content gaps, and then go for it!


7. Become an Online Proofreader

Are you the type of person who is always on the lookout for typos? Isn’t it annoying when people can’t even be bothered to spell words correctly? If this is the case, you should consider becoming a proofreader. This is a simple online side hustle for people who enjoy editing or nitpicking other people’s writing like some of us.

• Most proofreading or editing jobs don’t require a degree, though some require experience. But once you get your foot in the door, you have many opportunities for a profitable side job online!
• This is also a side hustle people pursue because long term, the money is good, and you can work from home. You can do a few hours a week for passive income or even quit your day job entirely!

• Some studying may be necessary to familiarize yourself with some of the writing styles you’ll need to proofread. For example, a business proposal should not look or read like a journal article describing scientific research. As a proofreader, it’s important that you can adapt quickly from assignment to assignment.
• Deadlines Sometimes Can Be Tight. Especially in the business world, clients may need the assignment to be turned around within 24 hours or less. You have to be able to work well under that kind of pressure.

Sign up for the FREE 76 Minute workshop on starting your proofreading side hustle!


8. Become a coach

Coaching is potentially a lucrative side hustle if you’re a people person who enjoys encouraging others.

• Adaptability. You can devote as much time as you want to the business. If you enjoy your work and have some prior experience, you can begin small and manage all aspects of the business on your own.
• Interesting work. Starting a coaching business can be a lot of fun. After all, you’re resolving an immediate problem for your customer and working on something you genuinely care about.
• High levels of customer retention. When customers purchase your product, they are investing their time and energy to use your product/service, which is extremely valuable to them. In most cases, your product or service becomes indispensable to your customer.

• Overcrowding. Because competition is fierce in the coaching industry, you must devote significant time analyzing the market and comprehending the demand.
• Lengthening of the sales process. A coaching business can be a significant time and financial investment for your customers, so it’s critical to plan and forecast a longer conversion funnel and stay in touch with potential customers.

A coach should have a basic coaching qualification from an organization such as The OCM. A coach’s role is to assist you in working through problems and achieving your goals by helping you find the answers within yourself and holding you accountable.


9. Carry out website user testing

Website user testing is as simple as taking online surveys, and it has the potential to be much more lucrative (though you will need to pay more attention).

• No money investment is required to become a tester on this platform. You will be selected based on your communication skills, profile, and demographics.
• No need to worry about your level of tech understanding or experience – they just want to hear honest thoughts from typical customers to iron out frustrating glitches.

• Lesser opportunities if you don’t live close to the US.
• Some tests have screeners, so you won’t qualify if you don’t fit the demographics they are looking for., for example, will ask you to perform an action on a client’s website (such as purchasing a specific product) and narrate your experience, as well as provide feedback on the site.


10. Try affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the practice of including links to products or services within your content and earning a small commission if your readers purchase these products after clicking through from your site. Fashion bloggers, for example, will post links to outfits they wear and earn a small profit if their readers buy the same clothes.

• Low-Cost Business Concept. You have to set up an affiliate marketing website (though you can also become an affiliate marketer without a website), select a compelling niche, and then select a specific product to market. Then all you have to do is sign up for a specific affiliate marketing program, and you’re ready to go.
• No prior knowledge is required. You do not need to be a marketing expert right away to become an affiliate. The great thing about affiliate marketing is that you can learn by experimenting with different organic and paid campaigns.
• Passive Income – Earn Money While Sleeping. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up, open your laptop, and find extra money in your account? The results of your efforts.

• You have no control over your competition. Depending on the industry, competition varies. Many people try affiliate marketing because there are numerous advantages, such as low investment costs, high-profit potential, and no expertise required. Almost anyone can join and be successful.
• You are unable to build a customer base. The truth is that once a referral is made, a repeat customer will never buy from you again. Of course, he’ll go directly to the affiliate vendor to repeat the transaction. That is the nature of affiliate marketing. You commit to generating new leads regularly. Unless you market affiliate programs that pay out recurring commissions.
• There is no revenue guarantee. Pay-per-performance can be a fantastic opportunity as well as a significant risk. No one guarantees that working as an affiliate marketer will be easy or that you will earn the expected revenue right away.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for almost any company, from Shopify to Amazon and others.

If you’re ready to start your affiliate marketing business in a super simple way (seriously, if you can order a pizza, you can follow this system!) check it out here.


11. Start a newsletter

Anyone who has ever worked in an office may find the idea of voluntarily signing up to receive emails strange. However, anyone with a creative flair, a good idea, and the willingness to put in the hours can make a fortune by creating newsletters.

Pro: You can write on whatever topic you want, allowing good side income.

Con: Building up your following or email list will take time.

Starting a newsletter isn’t a quick way to make money, but it can be a profitable one. You can start monetizing your newsletter once you’ve built up a loyal database of subscribers (using a tool like MailChimp or TinyLetter). The most common way to do this is to include affiliate links or earn money from a sponsor by including a section on their product or service.


12. Write freelance content

If the idea of a newsletter or blogging piqued your interest, chances are you could make some money from freelance writing. Many people are hesitant to market themselves as writers. There’s a common misconception that you must be the next Shakespeare or Hemingway for your work to be worth paying for. However, a lot of commercial writing is simply about being able to explain things succinctly and in plain English. Of course, proper spelling and grammar are required.

• Improving your knowledge. A freelancer’s work requires some knowledge of the subject, and for this, they need to do some research. Conducting research will improve your knowledge. Every time you are writing a new topic or taking up a different writing job, you challenge yourself.
• Improving your creativity and skill. A freelance writer needs to write about different topics or the same topics differently. Every work should be different from one another, improving your language adoption skills.
• Work to your schedule. You can schedule your working hours according to your convenience. You will be available to spend time with your family, and at the same time, you will be earning money. The only thing to remember is to complete the work within the provided time.

• Non-permanent income. The major complaint about a job freelance writing is that you may not have a fixed amount coming to your account every month. Your income will depend on the work you will be able to secure from the freelance platform or other clients.
• You may not enjoy a real vacation. Though freelance work offers more personal time, you may become addicted to your computer even when you are supposed to enjoy time with your family. Vacation days may turn into working time if you do not know how to separate personal life and work.

Check out this great guide on how to become a freelance writer.


13. Start dropshipping

Dropshipping is the practice of selling products online without ever handling or shipping the products themselves. A drop shipper creates an eCommerce site and handles all marketing, but the order is shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer.

• Low entry barrier. Because you don’t have to worry about developing new products or purchasing and storing inventory, dropshipping has a much lower barrier to entry.
• There is no inventory management. A third party manages inventory, and products are made available to customers on demand.

• A lot of competition. The same low barrier to entry that makes dropshipping appealing also creates a lot of competition. Other stores don’t sell comparable products; they sell the same products from third-party manufacturers. To compete, you’ll need to find unique ways to stand out.
• A lack of command. Because inventory rarely passes through your hands when dropshipping, you don’t have the opportunity to ensure that products are in top condition. You’re putting your store’s reputation in the hands of a third party if you don’t have quality control.

Check out this practical guide to getting started with dropshipping if you want to read a little more about the setup process and options.


14. Start a Flipping Side Hustle

This side hustle is ideal for those who want to live a minimalist lifestyle and declutter their lives. Spend some time going through your closets, basement, and garage and collecting anything you no longer need or want.

Pro: It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. You can declutter and get rid of things that you’re not using anymore while earning extra income.

Con: It’s time-consuming to gather items, make sure they are clean and pressed, and research the best site for your particular item.

You can simply post your items to Facebook Marketplace or eBay. You’ve just begun a flipping side hustle!


15. Flip domain names

Buying unused domain names at the regular price (around $10/year) and then reselling them at an exorbitant price is known as ‘flipping domains.’ Of course, there are many domain name options available, so make sure you’re only purchasing ones that people will want to buy from you in the future. This is an art and a science – you’ll need to do your research and be comfortable with the prospect of potentially paying for a domain name for several years before someone wants to buy it from you, if at all.

• You can make money.
• Domain names are very important, and there is always a demand for EMD domains.
• You neither need skills nor a big investment to start the business.

You need to invest a lot of time. You will have to constantly visit the domain registering websites constantly search for those perfect domain names
It is an active process. You have to constantly search for regular trends in Google, search for new opportunities, and keep on visiting this domain registration website.
It is always uncertain. You don’t know whether the domain name you bought will be sold for 100$ or 100000$. It is a matter of patience, luck, and time.

Here is a guide to domain name costs that will come in handy for budgeting initially.


16. Create an online course

If you’ve skipped over the writing-centered side hustles, lamenting your lack of ability in this area, pay attention: here’s where you can make money off almost any skill you have, as long as you’re willing to share it.

• Increased Revenue and Profitability. An online course enables you to serve multiple clients simultaneously, making more money at a lower cost, albeit in a less personalized manner.
• Provides Additional Learning Modes. Some people learn more effectively through video and audio than through reading. More diverse client audiences can be reached by offering online educational opportunities in various formats.

• The cost of technology. As the popularity of online courses has grown, more software platforms and services are required to help administer them. While these can be useful, they usually come at a cost—often in the form of recurring monthly fees—and it can take some time to learn how to use them.
• A significant amount of marketing may be required. Coaches and consultants have frequently relied on personal networking to fill their coaching sales funnels. While this type of marketing may still be effective for online courses, it may need to be supplemented with other online tools and efforts such as email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, blogging, social media, etc.

Because in-person courses are very expensive, it’s no surprise that many people are turning to online courses to improve their skills. Udemy is one of the most popular sites for this course, offering everything from Photoshop tutorials to self-confidence tutorials for prices ranging from $15 to several hundred dollars.


17. Offer expert answers

If you’re a qualified expert in your field but don’t want to create an online course, you can make some extra money by providing expert answers to questions. Your earning potential will depend on your background and how much time you are willing to put into this. But with the right background and if you put in a lot of effort, it can be a way to earn some good money by sharing your knowledge.

Pro: If you are a true expert, you can have really good earnings
Con: There’s no guarantee you will be accepted when you apply as an expert

Sites such as JustAnswer and PrestoExperts allow you to register as an expert in anything from finance to animals, but you must apply evidence to back up your choice.


18. Video Games Streaming

Gaming is not only a popular pastime, but it has also resulted in countless hours of video entertainment. Many people use gaming content to share their experiences, highlight new or favorite titles, and build a community. Many are even paid to do so.

• Varied Sources of Income. Applications such as Twitch have a subscription button that will allow you to earn stable and sustainable proceeds from followers.
• Requires Little Resources. You do not need any special equipment or software to begin round-the-clock streaming. It can be completely free if you already possess a smartphone or laptop with a good camera and an active account with one of the streaming services such as Periscope and Facebook Live.
• Make A Living from Your Passion. Live streaming offers you a chance to pursue your passion without having to be constantly stressed and worried about being laid off or underpaid.

• Can Be Overwhelming. One of the most significant challenges that you can experience after establishing yourself as a popular full-time streamer is when to take a break. It is common to build an audience that incorporates people from different time zones. Although they may be loyal, it is difficult for most of them to wake up to watch your live stream during night hours.
• No Room for Mistakes. As a live streamer, you will not have a chance to correct serious errors because you produce content while broadcasting it instantaneously. However, most followers understand this and can be forgiving for common bloopers when it comes to live streams because they understand the human factor of it.

One popular platform for video game streaming is Twitch.


19. Be an online tutor

Do you have a degree or other area of expertise that you can use to your advantage? You can tutor anyone in any subject online! Because your tutoring is only as limited as your skillset, this side hustle idea is a gift that keeps on giving.

• Tutors will always be in high demand. School and college admissions are becoming increasingly competitive. As a result, there is no shortage of students looking for one-on-one tutoring to help them succeed.
• There are no startup costs. Tutors, unlike most home businesses, have no startup costs. You don’t need anything else besides sufficient knowledge in specific fields and a passion for teaching. You can begin by registering with an online tutoring service.

• Being successful requires patience and perseverance. Working one-on-one with students requires a great deal of patience. You must modify your teaching and classes to accommodate different learning styles and curricula. You will need to devote some of your free time to prepare for upcoming classes and sessions.
• Working hours can have an impact on your social life. Most tutoring classes are held in the evenings or on weekends when the children are not in school. You’ll need to strike a balance between your social life and tutoring. lists the best online tutoring jobs, and allows you to apply to be a tutor.


20. Transcribe videos

If you’re a skilled typist, transcribing could be a good way to supplement your income. You should be a quick typist because most sites will pay you per hour of transcribed audio or video rather than per hour you work on it.

• You can set your hours.
• You can work as much or as little as you want.
• You have complete control over accepting and rejecting projects.
• You can take breaks, stand up, prepare meals, and exercise.

• Contracts for transcription come and go. You’ll get a great contract, but it might only be for a short time.
• Work slows down at certain times of the year. (However, it’s nice to have slow days every now and then.)

TranscribeMe is widely regarded as one of the best paid transcribing platforms.


If you’re eager to break free by starting your own profitable business but don’t know how, our plan will show you – get it here now!



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