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Kel Ashley

Hi, I’m Kel Ashley…

A very late bloomer turned entrepreneur, successfully creating steady, increasing income through multiple tried and tested online methods for greater security & life freedom!

I’m super passionate about saving money and ultimately reaching financial independence, mainly because I know the agonizing anxiety that comes from the pressure of upcoming bills, lying awake at night worrying about how you’re going to pay them, or even not being able to work out if you even have enough to pay them because secretly, maths was your worst subject (true story!). 

But as tough as its been at times, it is experiences like this that drive us towards financial freedom – that motivate us to find ways of making money online and ensure we find the security and stability we’ve been searching for (am I right?)

Simplifying the process of making money online, in a way anyone can implement, is my biggest passion because I truly believe that anyone can do it. Honestly, I’m not tech savvy, I didn’t do any sort of specialist business training and I certainly didn’t have money at the ready to fund my business endeavours (in fact, I was flat broke to begin with!)

If I can do it, YOU can do it – no matter how broke you are, no matter your current circumstances, no matter how little time you have or even if you’re a total newbie and don’t know where to start (that’s where I started too) – there is always something we can do, IF you are armed with the right knowledge and advice.

I’m here to give you the confidence needed to take that first step so you can begin making money online fast, and I’ll make it manageable too, because I know how overwhelming new projects like this can be. 

I believe that we all deserve abundance and financial freedom in our lives, and that it can be easily created IF we choose a route that is totally different from the outdated ‘hard work’ ways of the past; by leveraging the path of least resistance with focused intention and commitment.

Are you with me?

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Ways To Make Money Online


Check out our tried and tested money making options so you can select one that fits your budget, time allowance & lifestyle.


A great way to increase your earnings is to decrease your spending, providing more disposable income. Learn the right strategy for you.

Best Ways To Make Passive Income Online


Discerning Earning is all about learning the different approaches to reaching financial independence – knowledge is power & we’ve got tonnes available for you here!