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About Me

Hey, I’m Kel Ashley, a very late bloomer turned entrepreneur, creating steady income through various tried and tested online methods.

Simplifying the process of making money online, in a way anyone can implement, is my biggest passion because I truly believe that anyone can do it – no matter how broke you are, no matter your current circumstances, no matter how little time you have or even if you’re a total newbie – there is always something we can do to make things better (or fantastic!).

Along with running my businesses, I love teaching about how to make money online – there’s nothing more wonderful to me than seeing the intense burden and pressure of modern life lift from someone who has created a new way to make money online and being totally inspired by the new potential of opportunities and growth that it brings.

I believe that we all deserve abundance and financial freedom in our lives, and that it can be easily created IF we choose a route that is totally different from the outdated ‘hard work’ ways of the past, by leveraging the path of least resistance with focused intention and commitment.

Are you with me?

Kel Ashley